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Victor Franca

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The End of an Era: Camunda 7’s Legacy and the Future of Open-Source BPM

Posted by Victor Franca on Jun 24, 2024 11:18:42 AM

As October 2025 approaches, marking the end of life for Camunda 7, it’s essential to reflect on its journey, impact, and what lies ahead for the open-source BPM community. Camunda 7’s end of life signifies not just the conclusion of a software version but the closing of a significant chapter in the history of business process management (BPM).

1. From Humble Beginnings: Camunda 7’s Origins

Camunda 7 has its roots in another open-source project, emerging as a fork of the Activiti BPM engine. This origin story is crucial as it highlights the open-source ethos of building upon and improving existing technologies to better serve the community. The journey from Activiti to Camunda 7 represents a commitment to innovation and community-driven development.

2. A Pillar of BPM and Open-Source Innovation

Since its inception, Camunda 7 has played an instrumental role in the BPM and open-source communities. Its contributions are manifold, but some key innovations stand out:

  • Developer-Centric Design: Camunda 7 was designed with developers in mind, providing robust APIs, flexible modeling tools, and a strong focus on seamless integration.
  • Scalability and Performance: It offered unparalleled performance, enabling organizations to scale their process automation efforts efficiently.
  • Community Engagement: Camunda 7’s open-source nature fostered a vibrant community of contributors and users who continually pushed the boundaries of what was possible.

These innovations were not just technological achievements but also a testament to the collaborative spirit of the open-source community.

3. A Visionary Project: Developer-Friendly BPM

One of the hallmarks of Camunda 7 was its visionary approach to BPM. Jakob Freund, CEO and co-founder of Camunda, emphasized the importance of developer-friendliness in BPM frameworks. In an email exchange with Gartner in 2019, when asked if Camunda was an intelligent Business Process Management Suite (iBPMS), Freund articulated that Camunda’s strength lay in its ability to empower developers. This vision was pivotal in differentiating Camunda 7 from other BPM solutions, focusing on enabling developers to build and automate complex workflows with ease and precision.

4. Shifting Focus: The Evolution of Camunda

Over time, Camunda as a company has evolved, shifting its focus and expanding its horizons. With the introduction of Camunda 8, the company has moved to a source-available model where production environments must be commercially licensed. This shift reflects a new business model demand rather than just adapting to market or technological changes. While this move has been strategic for the company’s growth, it represents a significant departure from its open-source roots.

5. The Future of Open-Source BPM

As Camunda 7 reaches its end of life, the open-source community faces a new challenge: preserving and advancing the legacy of BPM automation technology. It’s likely that several new forks will emerge, driven by developers and consultancy companies aiming to provide continuity and relief for their customers. However, the crucial question remains: who will drive the next wave of open-source innovation? Who will develop the next top-notch, cloud-native open-source BPM framework?

The future is uncertain, but the spirit of innovation and collaboration that gave birth to Camunda 7 will undoubtedly inspire the next generation of BPM solutions. We may see new leaders and projects rise to prominence, continuing the tradition of excellence and community-driven development that Camunda 7 embodied.


The end of Camunda 7 is a moment of reflection and uncertainty. While it is sad to see such a pivotal project reach its end of life, it also serves as a call to action for the open-source community. The legacy of Camunda 7 is one of innovation, collaboration, and resilience. As we look forward, it is crucial to support and contribute to the projects that will drive the next generation of BPM solutions. The open-source community has always been resilient and innovative, and with the legacy of Camunda 7 as a foundation, the future of BPM automation technology holds promise.

Let’s honor the past and embrace the future, continuing to champion the values that made Camunda 7 a cornerstone of the BPM world. The next great BPM innovation is just around the corner, waiting to be discovered and developed by a passionate community.

Tags: open-source, bpm

Notification Automation with Novu

Posted by Victor Franca on May 22, 2024 6:18:29 PM

Complex Notification Automation and Case Management with open-source WKS Platform and Novu

Case Management

In the ever-evolving landscape of compliance and regulatory requirements, staying ahead of critical events is paramount for organizations, especially those in highly regulated sectors like finance, healthcare, legal services, and government agencies. An essential aspect of managing these events effectively lies in notifying stakeholders promptly and accurately. However, this task often proves challenging due to the complexity of managing diverse notification preferences, dynamic event triggers, and integrating with multiple communication channels while adhering to stringent data governance standards.

The Challenge: Navigating Complexity in Notification Management

Consider a scenario where a large financial institution is tasked with handling regulatory compliance investigations. The institution must promptly inform compliance officers and relevant stakeholders about crucial events such as potential breaches of regulatory requirements, suspicious trading activities, or legal inquiries. This process involves managing notification preferences for various compliance teams, dynamically handling triggers based on regulatory updates or market changes, and integrating with diverse communication channels like email, SMS, and internal messaging platforms. Additionally, strict adherence to data governance compliance standards is essential to safeguard sensitive financial information.


Navigating Complexity: The Need for a Robust Solution

As the volume and variety of regulatory events increase, the need for real-time notifications for timely responses becomes imperative. Seamless integration of the Case Management system with existing compliance tools and databases further complicates the process. Moreover, ensuring secure and compliant delivery of notifications adds another layer of complexity to the mix.

Introducing WKS Platform and Novu: A Comprehensive Solution

Enter WKS Platform, in conjunction with Novu, offering a robust solution not only for financial institutions but across various industries facing similar challenges. By leveraging Novu's notification infrastructure and combining it with WKS Platform's adaptive case management capabilities, organizations can efficiently manage complex notification requirements while ensuring compliance with data governance standards. Notably, WKS Platform allows processes to be designed using BPMN, providing a flexible framework for modeling and executing business processes seamlessly.

Case Management

How It Works: Streamlining Notification Automation and Case Management

WKS Platform and Novu provide a comprehensive solution that streamlines notification management and enhances communication across multiple channels. Let's take a closer look at how this integration works:

  1. Dynamic Notification Management: WKS Platform dynamically monitors case changes to uphold compliance standards. These changes, whether in case stages, status updates, data modifications, process advancements, task completions, or communications, serve as triggers for notifications. Stakeholders are promptly informed of these critical events, aligning with regulatory obligations and bolstering transparency and compliance efforts.

  2. Integration with Multiple Communication Channels: With Novu's notification infrastructure, organizations can seamlessly integrate with diverse communication channels like email, SMS, and internal messaging platforms, ensuring that notifications reach stakeholders through their preferred channels.

  3. Data Governance Compliance: Both WKS Platform and Novu prioritize data governance compliance, safeguarding sensitive financial information and ensuring secure and compliant delivery of notifications.

Benefits of Integration: Enhancing Efficiency Across Diverse Sectors

The integrated solution offered by WKS Platform and Novu delivers numerous benefits to organizations across various industries:

  • Efficient Notification Management: Streamlines notification management processes, ensuring that stakeholders are promptly informed of critical events.
  • Enhanced Communication: Facilitates communication across multiple channels, enabling organizations to reach stakeholders through their preferred methods.
  • Improved Case Management: Enhances case management capabilities, enabling organizations to efficiently manage complex regulatory events and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.
  • Data Governance Compliance: Prioritizes data governance compliance, safeguarding sensitive information and ensuring secure and compliant delivery of notifications.

Conclusion: Transforming Notification Management and Case Automation

In conclusion, WKS Platform and Novu offer a comprehensive solution to the challenges of complex notification automation and case management. By leveraging Novu's notification infrastructure and combining it with WKS Platform's adaptive case management capabilities, organizations can efficiently manage critical events, enhance communication across multiple channels, and ensure compliance with data governance standards. With the integration of these powerful tools, organizations can navigate the complexities of regulatory compliance with ease, empowering them to focus on their core business objectives.

To learn more about how WKS Platform and Novu can transform your notification management and case automation processes, visit

Tags: WKSPlatform

Empowering Agility with Adaptive Case Management

Posted by Victor Franca on May 21, 2024 11:19:37 AM

Discover how an Adaptive Case Management platform can revolutionize your organization's workflow and boost agility.

Understanding Adaptive Case Management

Adaptive Case Management (ACM) is a cutting-edge platform that enables organizations to handle complex and unstructured processes efficiently. It is built on top of the Camunda workflow automation engine, which provides a solid foundation for its capabilities. ACM empowers organizations with agile and flexible case management capabilities, allowing them to adapt to changing business requirements and handle dynamic workflows effectively.

With ACM, organizations can gain a deep understanding of their case management processes and optimize them for maximum efficiency. It provides a comprehensive view of all the tasks, documents, and data associated with a case, allowing users to easily monitor and manage their cases. ACM also supports collaboration and communication among team members, enabling seamless coordination and efficient decision-making.

By understanding the principles and functionalities of Adaptive Case Management, organizations can unlock the full potential of this platform and harness its benefits to streamline their workflows and enhance productivity.

Key Features of an Adaptive Case Management Platform

An Adaptive Case Management platform offers a range of features that empower organizations to effectively manage their cases and processes. Some of the key features include:

1. Case Tracking and Monitoring: ACM provides real-time visibility into case status, allowing users to track and monitor the progress of cases. This feature enables organizations to identify bottlenecks, optimize resources, and ensure timely resolution of cases.

2. Dynamic Workflow Management: ACM allows organizations to design and modify workflows dynamically, based on changing requirements. This flexibility enables organizations to adapt to evolving business needs and handle complex processes efficiently.

3. Document and Content Management: ACM provides robust document and content management capabilities, allowing users to store, organize, and share case-related documents and information. This feature ensures easy access to critical information and facilitates collaboration among team members.

4. Rules and Decision Management: ACM enables organizations to define rules and decision models that govern case management processes. This feature ensures consistent and compliant decision-making, reducing the risk of errors and improving overall process efficiency.

5. Integration and Connectivity: ACM integrates seamlessly with existing systems and applications, enabling organizations to leverage their existing infrastructure and data. This feature facilitates data exchange and ensures a unified view of information across different systems.

By leveraging these key features, organizations can optimize their case management processes and enhance their overall operational efficiency.

Benefits of Implementing an Adaptive Case Management Solution

Implementing an Adaptive Case Management solution offers several benefits for organizations. Some of the key benefits include:

1. Improved Agility: ACM enables organizations to quickly adapt to changing business requirements and handle dynamic workflows efficiently. This flexibility allows organizations to respond to market demands faster and stay ahead of the competition.

2. Enhanced Productivity: ACM streamlines case management processes, automates repetitive tasks, and provides real-time visibility into case status. These features reduce manual effort, minimize errors, and improve overall productivity.

3. Better Collaboration and Communication: ACM facilitates collaboration and communication among team members, enabling seamless coordination and efficient decision-making. This feature improves teamwork, accelerates case resolution, and enhances customer satisfaction.

4. Increased Compliance and Risk Management: ACM provides rule-based decision models and ensures consistent and compliant decision-making. This feature reduces the risk of errors, improves regulatory compliance, and enhances risk management.

5. Improved Customer Experience: ACM enables organizations to handle cases more efficiently, resulting in faster case resolution and better customer satisfaction. This feature enhances the overall customer experience and strengthens customer loyalty.

By implementing an Adaptive Case Management solution, organizations can revolutionize their workflow, boost agility, and achieve significant business benefits.

Real-life Applications of Adaptive Case Management

Adaptive Case Management has a wide range of real-life applications across various industries. Some of the common use cases include:

1. Legal Case Management: ACM is widely used in the legal industry to manage and track legal cases, documents, and deadlines. It enables law firms to streamline their case management processes, improve collaboration among legal teams, and enhance client service.

2. Healthcare Case Management: ACM is utilized in healthcare organizations to manage patient cases, treatment plans, and medical records. It helps healthcare providers optimize their workflows, improve care coordination, and enhance patient outcomes.

3. Insurance Claims Management: ACM is employed in the insurance sector to handle insurance claims, assess damages, and process payments. It enables insurance companies to streamline their claims management processes, reduce processing time, and improve customer satisfaction.

4. Financial Services Case Management: ACM is used in financial institutions to manage complex financial cases, such as loan applications, dispute resolutions, and fraud investigations. It helps financial organizations improve operational efficiency, ensure regulatory compliance, and mitigate risks.

5. Government Case Management: ACM is applied in government agencies to handle various types of cases, including license applications, permit approvals, and legal proceedings. It enables government organizations to streamline their case management processes, enhance transparency, and improve citizen service.

These real-life applications demonstrate the versatility and effectiveness of Adaptive Case Management across different industries.

Best Practices for Successful Adoption of Adaptive Case Management

To ensure a successful adoption of Adaptive Case Management, organizations should consider the following best practices:

1. Clearly Define Business Goals and Objectives: It is crucial to have a clear understanding of the organization's business goals and objectives before implementing ACM. This clarity will guide the design and configuration of the platform to align with the organization's specific needs.

2. Involve Stakeholders: Engaging stakeholders from different departments and roles is essential for a successful ACM implementation. Their input and feedback will help identify requirements, ensure buy-in, and facilitate smooth adoption.

3. Conduct Thorough Process Analysis: Before implementing ACM, organizations should conduct a thorough analysis of their existing processes. This analysis will help identify inefficiencies, redundancies, and areas for improvement, enabling organizations to optimize their workflows effectively.

4. Provide Adequate Training and Support: Proper training and support are critical for the successful adoption of ACM. Organizations should invest in training programs to educate users on the platform's functionalities and provide ongoing support to address any challenges or concerns.

5. Continuously Monitor and Evaluate: Once ACM is implemented, organizations should continuously monitor and evaluate its performance. This evaluation will help identify areas for optimization, address any emerging issues, and ensure the platform continues to meet the organization's evolving needs.

By following these best practices, organizations can maximize the benefits of Adaptive Case Management and achieve a successful implementation.

Tags: AdaptiveCaseManagement, ACM, WKSPlatform

Email to Case Feature - Simplifying Communication and Automation

Posted by Victor Franca on Apr 16, 2024 6:13:00 PM

Presenting the Email to case feature

In this video, I explain the Email to Case feature, which allows emails to be sent to and from cases. I discuss the importance of this feature in process automation and how it is commonly used. I also demonstrate the process of creating a case by sending an inbound email and show how internal processes orchestrate the creation of emails. Watch this video to understand how to visually see the email flow, manage exceptions, and define catching behaviors. No action is requested from viewers, but it provides valuable context for case management and email communication.


Tags: WKSPlatform

A Baptism by Fire. From jBPM to Camunda-powered Case Management

Posted by Victor Franca on Jul 31, 2023 6:15:00 PM

In 2011, I set foot into what would turn out to be one of the most transformative phases of my professional journey. At that time, I was a software engineer eager to dive into the world of BPM automation and BPMSs. Over the past decade, I have had the privilege of observing and contributing to the continual innovation in this field. This first post will provide a glimpse into my initial forays into BPM, setting the stage for the subsequent series on Case Management and my vision of creating WKS Platform, an open-source Case Management Platform with Camunda BPM.

Diving Deeper into the PJ-e: A Revolution in the Brazilian Judicial System

It all commenced with the Brazilian PJ-e, a pioneering project for which I served as a Java specialist. Our responsibility? To build it using jBPM. The significance of the PJ-e was not just about its scale or its impact; it became my initiation into the challenges and intricacies of BPM learning.

The PJ-e represented a significant shift for the Brazilian government and the legal sector. Conceived as a digital platform to modernize the Brazilian judicial system, the PJ-e was envisioned to bring speed, transparency, and efficiency to a domain that had, for long, been mired in paperwork and slow bureaucratic processes.

Its implementation aimed to make justice more accessible to the Brazilian populace by reducing the time and costs associated with legal proceedings. The promise of the PJ-e was that of a future where court proceedings could be initiated, tracked, and concluded electronically, eliminating the need for physical presence and mountains of paper. For the Brazilian government, it was a step towards modern governance. For the legal community, it marked the beginning of a new era, where technology would play an indispensable role in ensuring that justice is swift and streamlined.

However, the ambitious vision for the PJ-e came with its own set of challenges. The legal field, with its myriad intricacies, demanded an aggressive set of requirements for the PJ-e platform. Each court, each legal procedure, and each administrative process had its own set of nuances that needed to be perfectly encapsulated within the system.

This is where we faced our biggest challenge. The nebulous terrain of case management emerged as the most significant roadblock. Even with an exceptionally talented engineering team at our disposal, the complexities of merging case management with process automation proved daunting. The inherent ambiguities associated with legal proceedings, combined with a myriad of requirements that often lacked clarity, meant that we had to constantly pivot, iterate, and refine our approach.

The PJ-e, with all its complexities, wasn't just a project for me. It was a baptism by fire into the world of BPM, an introduction to the delicate balance between technological innovation and real-world constraints. It was a learning experience like no other, setting the stage for my future endeavors in the realm of BPM and case management.

The Learning Curve

Navigating through these challenges, I spent countless hours trying to demystify the connection between case management requirements and process automation. The PJ-e, with its distinct demands, vividly highlighted the nuances of integrating the two paradigms.

Some exemplifying challenges we faced were:

Dynamic Workflow Paths: Legal proceedings, by their very nature, don't follow a set template. Depending on the specifics of a case, evidence presented, or the actions of parties involved, the procedural steps could vary significantly. The BPM component required linear processes, while case management inherently needed a more flexible, adaptive approach. Balancing the two was a daily challenge.

Varied Access Levels & Case Visibility: Legal cases involve various stakeholders, each needing different data at different stages. A judge might require a comprehensive case view, while an attorney might only need specific files pertinent to an argument. Building a system that's both restrictive and liberating, where necessary, was a constant tussle between BPM's structured environments and case management's adaptive nature.

Bespoke Document Management: While PJ-e was self-contained and had its unique web document editor, digital signing component for PKI, and custom document storage, aligning these components with the process automation aspect was intricate. For instance, determining at which stage a document can be edited or signed without disrupting the process flow added layers of complexity.

Dynamic Task Management & Notifications: Legal scenarios aren't just about predefined tasks. They're about responding to dynamic situations. While BPM operates best with preset tasks, case management often requires creating, assigning, or modifying tasks on-the-fly. Integrating the dynamic nature of task management in legal cases with a BPM framework, ensuring tasks are escalated or notified correctly without causing process breakdowns, was a hurdle.

Handling Exception Scenarios: Legal cases come with their unique set of exceptions – an unexpected turn of events, a sudden change in case dynamics, or even an unplanned intervention. While BPM thrives on predictability, case management often lives in the realm of unpredictability. Designing a system that marries these two opposite ends of the spectrum, ensuring seamless flow despite interruptions, was a challenge.

With each of these challenges, I learned more about the fragile equilibrium between the structured world of BPM and the flexible realm of case management. Each project phase, each hurdle, honed my understanding, preparing me for a future where I would dream of bridging these domains seamlessly.

Beyond jBPM: A Broader Perspective

The PJ-e project was just the beginning. As the BPM landscape evolved, I found myself at the intersection of different open-source BPM engines and commercial BPMSs, understanding their intricacies, strengths, and areas of improvement. A recurring theme was companies wrestling with case management, especially when using tools primarily designed for BPM.

Even today, I often encounter clients who are keen on understanding how to replace platforms like Pega Systems by Camunda. It's evident that the desire for a comprehensive open-source solution is more significant than ever.

Towards an Open-Source Vision

With the collective insights from these experiences, I am now steering towards a mission: the creation of an open-source Case Management Platform atop Camunda BPM. It's an ambitious goal, but one that is close to my heart.

In the subsequent posts, I'll dive deeper into my experiences with different BPMSs and open-source BPM engines. I'll also shed light on the shared challenges companies face when wrestling with case management, especially when equipped with BPM-centric tools.

To everyone embarking on this storytelling journey with me rediscovering the past, appreciating the present, and envisioning a future where BPM and Case Management coexist seamlessly.

Learn more about WKS Platform

Stay tuned on my LinkedIn for updates about the upcoming blog posts and project news.

To learn more about WKS Platform, I invite you to follow us on github at and read the platform documentation at